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  • Our 10:30 AM worship is recorded each week and posted on Facebook (see Winterville United Methodist Church-Winterville, GA Facebook page) and on YouTube.
  • Ushers, Acolytes, and Counters needed.
  • Please help the staff keep them accurate by calling in or stopping by with updates. Also, the current agenda and minutes of the Governance Board are on the small table as you exit the front of the sanctuary.  All ministry event sign-up sheets are on the table at the back of the sanctuary under the Sound room deck.
  • Newsletter Articles are due by the 4th Monday of each Month.
  • Reminder: Neighborhood Welcome Watch Program packets are available to give to new families moving into your neighborhoods. Keep one in your car. Take one to work and give to a co-worker. Let's use 'em! Pick one up in the sanctuary on the table under the AV deck as you exit the sanctuary.
  • Sanctuary Flowers. If you would like to place flowers in the sanctuary for a particular Sunday morning, please sign up on the flower calendar located in the Administrative hallway. We must have your reservation at least one week in advance of your desired Sunday, and, unless other arrangements are made, please give a check to the church in the amount of $40.00 for each Sunday you reserve. Call the church office to place your order 706.742.2445.
  • Holy Communion Sundays we accept donations that support our "Love Your Neighbor" fund.
  • We observe Holy Communion once a month, on the first Sunday of each month and on certain Holy Days.